
Hi there! My name is Akshat. I am a Software Engineer at an energy startup in San Francisco. I am originally from India and moved to the US for studying Computer Science.

I get a lot of app ideas but I never do anything about them. And I studied CS to be able to build stuff but I keep procrastinating. My 25th birthday is coming up and one of my goals before I turn 25 is to build something useful which has real users.

One might wonder why build solo? Isn't it easier with a team of 4 people hacking things together? Truth is yes, it is easier that way but for me there is something special about things that I build on my own. Building apps is like craft to me like a piece of artwork is to an artist. I want to see what I can create.

This website marks my baby steps in making stuff over the internet. I have found that when I see other people doing new and different things, I also get motivated to do more things I like. Probably like me, you also feel this way and can get some inspiration from this website to do your own thing.